WordPress Marketing – Other Wise Known As WP

It used to be you had to know how to write code if you wanted to make a website. Eventually WYSIWYG editors came along to make things much easier, but knowing some code was necessary for all by the simplest sites. Now WordPress (commonly abbreviated as WP) has come along and changed the playing field. Those who want to run a business online refer to it as , however, this is a bit of a misnomer unless they are actually working to promote WordPress itself. But for the sake of simplicity, when we use that term we will be using it in the more popular sense.

WordPress was originally designed as a blogging platform, and many people still use it that way. There are also a lot of people, especially marketers, who use WP as the foundation for a website that sells things. There are also hybrid sites that combine the best of both worlds. They sort of look like blogs, but they are also set up to make money.

WordPress has a lot to do with setting up your site properly. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the things that is easy to do with WP. There are several plugins available that can further boost your SEO results. These make your WordPress pages more friendly to the search engines and will raise you in the rankings if you use them properly.

You still need to do many of the same things you would have to do on any webpage. You need to have content that draws people in, and attracts the right kind of attention from the search engines. Links play a big part in SEO; this includes external and internal links. External links are those that are placed on another site. You could actually set up many free WordPress sites and work in to your main page. This is a that many people use successfully.

Internal links work in a different way. These are the links on your site that link to other part of your site (either the same page, or other pages). This linking structure makes a huge difference, and knowing how to set it all up can get a bit confusing. You need to make sure you have a separate page for each piece of keyword-targeted content, and every page should have links to your main pages, as well as any other pages you’re trying to rank for.

If all of that sounds confusing, that’s because it is…or at least it was when you had to hand code everything. You would have to chart everything out and hope you got it right. No need to worry though, there are WP plugins that make most of this virtually automatic. You may have to do set some initial settings and make sure you upgrade as needed, but that’s about it. With all it has going for it, it’s no surprise that more and more savvy website owners are choosing WordPress marketing as a major part of their business.

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