It can be very time consuming to build backlinks to your website. You spend so much time asking owners of other sites if you can add a link to their site, it is a time consuming process and a very tedious one. Surely there must be an easier way!
First you want to find your target websites and then review them and decide whether the site is worth adding to yours. If you decide it is then you contact the site owner and send a request to them to use their link. You wait for their reply before you can proceed further. Then you can add their link to your site and hope that they return the favor and add your link to their site. Let’s make the whole link building process easier.
Here is a ten step strategy that you can use to make this process a little easier.
1. Join an online forum and actively participate in the forum. Make yourself known as someone that provides good quality information and as an expert in your field. When people admire you and always provide informative posts, they will want to link to your website. When you build strong relationships with forum members then there is a good chance that they will link to your business website.
2. Add a note on your website that you want links to your site. You can ask visitors to link to your site in exchange for including a link to their site on your website. You can leave a box for them to enter their website details. This way you will have people contacting you for the link exchange instead of you looking for and contacting website owners.
3. Publish a newsletter regularly and include the newsletter content on your website. Within the newsletter include a statement like ‘if you enjoy this newsletter please include a link on your website’. Remember to include the URL in that statement.
4. Do some article marketing and every time that you publish an article in an article directory you can include a link to your site. There are many article directories on the internet that allow you to include a link to your site on each article that you submit so this is a great way to build backlinks.
5. Always have well written content on your website and in the articles that you submit to article directories. If you have good quality content then other people may publish your article on their website with a link pointing back to your site.
6. Do some guest blog posting on other sites within your niche. Many blog owners will allow you to make a guest post on their blog and in return you get to include a link to your website. This is beneficial to you both as they get good content for their blog and you get a backlink.
7. Submit your website to site directories. There are paid and free options for submitting your website to directories and the more directories you submit to the more backlinks you are building.
8. Make comment on other blogs within your niche. Most blogs these days allow you to include a link with your comment. Always leave comments that relate to the blog post otherwise your comment may be seen as spam and be deleted.
9. Use web 2.0 sites like Squidoo and Hubpages to build backlinks to your site. You can create a Squidoo lens or Hubpage on your niche and include a link back to your website.
10. Put a link in your forum signature pointing back to your website. If you are an active forum member then you can have a link to your site in your signature and every time you make a post on the forum you will gain a backlink to your site.
These are ten simple ways to build backlinks to your website that are much easier than requesting link exchanges from other website owners.
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