Tag Archives: wordpress marketing

WordPress Marketing – Other Wise Known As WP

It used to be you had to know how to write code if you wanted to make a website. Eventually WYSIWYG editors came along to make things much easier, but knowing some code was necessary for all by the simplest sites. Now WordPress (commonly abbreviated as WP) has come along and changed the playing field. … Continue reading

WordPress Marketing Explained – Used By Growing Numbers

One of the best things you can use for the success of your online business is WordPress marketing. WordPress got its start in 2003, and was used mainly by bloggers. Since that time it has become one of the most popular tools for building a website. Sure, bloggers still use it, but so do a … Continue reading

How To Use WordPress Marketing For Your Advantage

There are a lot of people in the internet business that are using online marketing to advertise their product and services. As a result there are tons of different options that you can choose from when you are choosing your marketing platform. One of these effective platforms is WordPress marketing (or “WP” marketing). Using WordPress … Continue reading