How To Make Money Blogging Can Be Easy

It seems like the two newest fads around today are and learning how to . originated as a way to keep up with far away friends and family. The original online web log (web + log = blog) started simply as as way to track your weight loss efforts or share vacation photos. It has evolved into so much more than that though.

Today, most internet marketers and webmasters understand that a is the best way to gain traction online. There are several reasons for that, but the biggest has to do with the fact that the search engines are like an insatiable beast when it comes to one thing: content.

If you continually “feed the beast” new and quality content your site will rank higher than a static site that doesn’t update it’s information very often.

The ease with which you can add new content to a blog is the really cool thing about blogs. If you want to add content to static sites you have to use HTML and special software to create that new page. Once you’ve got the page created you have to use an FTP program to upload it to your server.

While that all sounds more complicated than it really is, and anyone can easily learn to do it, it still takes more time than just logging into your blog and creating a post.

Making Money with Blogs

Now that you understand a little bit about why blogs can be very advantageous to an online business, you need to learn how to make money blogging. There are many ways you can do this and I’ll go over several options that you’ve got:

  1. Add Adsense to your blog. This is a free service through Google. It is just a way to add certain advertisements to your blog. Google will provide you with all the code you need and you can just add it to the “widget” section of your blog. When on that ad, you will make some money.
    Be warned, though, it won’t be much money. Probably just a few cents in most cases. But, hey, your blog is already there – so it might as well make some money.
  2. Sell affiliate products from your site. You can sign up to become an affiliate with virtually any company you can think of. Amazon and Clickbank are probably two of the best known and both are free to join. Amazon sells mostly physical products and Clickbank sells only digital products.
    Once you’ve signed up with a company to become an affiliate just choose the product(s) you want to promote on your site. Then you can add a banner for that particular product. When someone clicks on that banner, they are taken to the vendor’s site and if they make a purchase, you make money!
  3. Once your blog is a little more established and getting good traffic you can actually charge other people to put ads up on your blog. Just make sure that you don’t put a direct competitors ad up.

Go for it, use this information on how to make money blogging and start making some money with your hobby. Or utilize it to grow a full-ime online business, either way, it works. Stay tuned, as more articles with the best plugins for webmasters and reviews with were I show live examples of working and money-making sites will be published!

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