If you want to know how to create a blog I can easily help you. Putting a blog online can literally be done in just a few minutes, especially if you’ve ever done it before. But before you go through the steps of setting up your blog, there are many important considerations you need to think about.
For one thing, will your blog be for personal use (sharing vacation pictures or keeping up with friends in other parts of the country) or are you putting up a blog to use as an online business? And in case you are wondering, yes, it does matter.
The reason is simple, if you are putting up a personal blog than the only people you want to visit your blog are friends and family; people you will give the blog address to personally.
But, if you want to learn how to create a blog for a business than you will want thousands, or better yet, millions of people visiting. You certainly can’t email all of them personally and give them the address of your blog!
So if your blog is for business purposes there are two things you need to do that you won’t have to do with a personal blog (though you could if you wanted to):
1. You will need to buy your own domain name. This is inexpensive,no more than ten dollars a year. To find the right domain name, get a name that is based on a relevant keyword. For example, if your blog is about potty training puppies a great domain name would be: PottyTrainingPuppies.com.
That way when people go to the search engines and do a search for information on potty training puppies, your blog will be right at the top! That means tons of visitors and it won’t cost you a cent.
2. Don’t rely on the free sites for your blog like Blogspot or WordPress, get a hosting account. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t put up a WordPress blog, you still can. But instead of it being hosted at WordPress and you just “borrowing” the space you will now “own” the space your blog is on.
Doing it that way gives you a lot more control and you don’t have to worry about some day finding that the powers that be thought your blog violated one of their terms of service and took your blog offline (and yes, it is rare, but that has happened). Better to own your own little piece of online “real estate”.
Now that that is out of the way you can easily set your blog up with whatever hosting account and domain name you’ve chosen. The exact process may vary slightly depending on your host provider but it is as simple as a few mouse clicks and if you do run into problems, your hosting provider will be happy to help you out.
Once you get your blog set up the next most important thing you can do is to make frequent and on topic blog posts. The more often you post and the better your content is (original, well written, informative) the more love you will get from the search engines which can greatly improve your ranking and that means more visitors for free.
I hope you can see that it’s easy to learn how to create a blog. Having your own online identity is one of the most important things you can do if you want to have a successful online business.
Tags: blog, easy tips to create a blog, how to create a blog easy tips