If you are just getting started in internet marketing, you may not know what a lead capture page is yet, but you’ve probably seen many of them. The purpose of a lead capture page (as the name suggests) is to obtain information from the people who visit your page. Also called a squeeze page, the lead capture page presents a form that must be filled out by the visitor in order for him/her to get whatever it is that you are offering (free newsletter, free trial, etd). This article will explain how you can build your own free lead capture page.
All lead capture pages contain some basic components. The first is a compelling headline to entice your target audience visitors. This is usually followed by some forms of bullet points that go into detail about what you are offering and how it benefits your visitors. And the most important part of the lead capture page is the opt-in or autorespnder form. When the visitor fills in their information on this form, you have captured them as a lead and can continue to keep in contact with them through programmed emails.
How do you get the visitor to fill in the form? The easiest way is to offer them something of value for free. This can be a free mini-course, a free e-book, a free newsletter. . . anything. Once your visitor has opted in for whatever you are offering for free, you can then start to build a relationship with them and eventually offer them what you are selling. The average visitor will look at an offer 7 times before deciding to buy. So, if you have this visitor in your lead list, you can constantly remind them about what you are offering.
Where can you create your own lead capture page at no cost? Blinkweb.com is one service that allows you to build your lead capture page for free. After signing up, you’ll be taken to a page where you can click on a tab that says “Create New Site”. At the next page, you’ll choose the “salesletter style website”, hit “next” and choose a name for your website. The name, of course, should be relevant to what you are promoting and, if possible, keyword optimized. You are then brought to the page where you can build your capture page. There is an explanatory tutorial that shows you exactly how to do this step by step.
An effective lead capture page will grab your target market’s attention and build trust from the very beginning. This is done with a headline that relates to the types of things your audience is looking for. You also want to make sure that your lead capture page loads quickly. Most visitors will only wait a few seconds before they decide to look at another website instead. Now that you have the basic do’s and don’ts for a free lead capture page, you can start creating your own right now!
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