WordPress software is software that you can download for free and install to create a blog or website instantly. The developers of this program have made this software so easy to use that you will not even need computer knowledge to use it. You can have a website up and running in less than 15 minutes with the WordPress software. There are several different reasons why you should use WordPress in your new website. Besides the great price of free there are other benefits as well.
1. Unlimited Uses
WordPress has unlimited uses and capabilities. It can be used to create a personal or business website as well as setting up a blog. With your business website you will be able to market new products as well as publishing your marketing materials on the internet. You can use a blog with WordPress much in the same way.
2. Stand Alone Software
WordPress is also standalone software. This means you do not need to go out and learn other software to work with it. Once you have installed WordPress all you will have to do is login into the Admin page and set it up any way you wish too. You will also be able to use the Admin page to publish new posts and articles to the internet. You do not even have to know basic HTML to run it.
3. Open Source Software
WordPress is open source software which is what allows you to use the software for free. You will be able to use for any personal or business use that you wish without having to spend a single dime on the product itself. WordPress is built as a PHP programming language and the MySQL database server which are both internet standard systems that offer a high degree of both security and reliability.
4. User Friendly
You will not need any computer experience to use the WordPress software for your website or blog. A lot of the hosting companies of the internet today allow you to install WordPress with just a few simple clicks. HostGator is a great site to get your WordPress software from. Their administration section is not hard to navigate and it is also easy to add articles as well as web pages to your sites.
5. Theme Support
Themes are templates that you are able to apply to your WordPress site that will change the look of your site. If you do not care for the templates, which come with the WordPress Software, you have the ability to download others from the internet.
These are just some of the benefits of why you should use WordPress for your marketing site. There are many other benefits that people have found with using this site. You may even discover a few of your own after using this great software.
Tags: alone software wordpress, business website, five benefits, open source software, software wordpress, source software, wordpress software